Tactical Urbanism Toolkit

Thanks to a grant from the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH), Big Car Collaborative and the South Indy Quality of Life Plan (SoIndy) were able to team up to use the principles of tactical urbanism to make Shelby Street safer for seniors, school kids, and bus riders. In the fall of 2019, we tested out ways to make Shelby Street even more livable through speed limit reduction, colorful crosswalks and bump outs, wayfinding street designs and signage, and bike racks. Now that the crosswalks are more noticeable, vehicles do stop to let pedestrians cross. People are also parking more frequently along Shelby Street and both pedestrians and neighbors parking have reported feeling safer. Check out the project here.

We are excited that the Shelby Street Tactical Urbanism project will continue through a lending library of tools and multi-use materials. Below is a list of items included in our Tactical Urbanism Toolkit.

  • Mobile crate
  • Paint brush extension poles
  • Traffic calming signs
  • Safety wands (with light) & batteries
  • Safety vests
  • Resource books on tactical urbanism
  • Bump out stencils: circles and triangles of different sizes, bump out lines
  • Wayfinding & traffic calming stencils: directional arrows, “slow down”
  • Speed radar gun
  • Reflective traffic cones

These items and toolkit are available to check out, e-mail info @ bigcar dot org

View photos from the project here.