Live in the Garfield Park Neighborhood?

Live in the Garfield Park Neighborhood?

Hello Neighbor! Are you a current resident of the Garfield Park neighborhood?
If so would you mind participating in a short, 10 minute survey?
Big Car Collaborative is currently collecting data over the experiences of residents in the Garfield Park Neighborhood. The more residents we have participate, the better!
We are collecting this information to have an understanding on how neighborhood social bonds are formed, how well the neighborhood is connected to each other, to public amenities, green spaces, and to the Arts.
All responses will be kept anonymous. All data collection will take place in the months of October – December. With results made public sometime in early spring. If you have any questions email Big Car at email hidden; JavaScript is required, our researcher Adam at email hidden; JavaScript is required, or stop by the Tube Factory headquarters at 1125 Cruft Street.
Thank you for your participation!
Survey Link:

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